Adios amigo!!
Special dedication to albert:
At Leo's, Taipan

Albert: Eeekz!!! Tadpole!!

Albert: Omg! Look at it look at it! It's still wiggling o.O!

Albert: Cheh bluff u wan la! Not scary also.. hahahha~ see me eat it
So well...

Mine and albert's drink! Albert's is blue lagoon soda, mine the black temptation.. uh well, sea coconut drink actually. Look at the swimming tadpoles in it hahaha! I don't think i'll grow frogs in my stomach though, albert. lol.
Also! Quote of the year from albert:
"eh silas, teach me how to act emo la!"
=D! Cant imagine smiley albert turning emo.. hahaha! Anyways! Take good care albert! Hope you'll miss us and not forget us.. Do visit the blog now and then okay >.>! Come online!!! Wishing you all the best!! Ciao!!
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