Saturday, February 10, 2007

emo is the new in! part 2

-aLbeRt. . . - says:
u wanna take revenge on me when i come back huh?
Carmabelle says:
hahaha yeah
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
now i see whats behind the hidden stone....
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
Carmabelle says:
Carmabelle says:
hahaha albert the player
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
chill out la...
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
dont fight..
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
malaysia is still a peaceful country...
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
dont start a perang G10....

haha so there u hav it: no fighting ppl! from the big boss, albert himself! hahaha

P.S. this is for yun yun n seelas

-aLbeRt. . . - says:
tak tahu EMO la
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
siapa ajar?
Carmabelle says:
hahaha susah nak cari la
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
macam itu ke
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
you jadi guru saya la
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
ajar saya bagaimana EMO
Carmabelle says:
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
tiada caj
-aLbeRt. . . - says:
Carmabelle says:
i'll tell seelas u dun want him already :D


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